Mystical Arts
& Entertainment!
Greetings...!!! For all those who are here on earth for a creative
purpose, hyshence.com offers you an array of mystical, innovative, and creative
ideas. Specializing in all arts; design, drawing, painting, writing, singing,
dancing, and acting, collaborating with the sciences, as the world of technologically
The Guiding Star of David
Jah Cure's new album
Hyshence Inc. is affiliated with the RastafarI Community; though
some products and services may be limited...the RastafarI Community is always
unlimited to the public.
Hyshence Productions' leather shop, makes a strong connection
with those interested in the natural, and casual appearance. Custom designs,
carved into leather imported from Italy, Ethiopia and India.
Check out, "Hyshence Leather"!
Hyshence Entertainment, brings to the world, live performances
from a community of talented, young individuals whom all have profound messages
to share across our globe. Our team of performers have an exclusive style and
aura, especially when it comes to singing. There are not only singers, but we
have musicians, DJays, artists, and we have just started developing our acting
group (for theatre, small plays, and mid-budget movies).
Vinyl for your home collection
"The Earth is the Lord's and its
Fullness thereof..."