Hyshence© Inc. Productions
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Hyshence© Productions was founded in 1997 by Omar Boothman. The name Hyshence©, came from the combination of the pronounciation of words, such as "high", "science", "sense", "ancients", altogether forming the word; Hyshence©. The founder, ever since, has been into the arts and entertainment business, stemmed from his family's natural talent of entertaining, as well as their performing arts, especially in the Caribbean, (Trinidad) where Hyshence's© main headquarters is loacted. The Company has been expanding, and its focus has branched out into all fields and areas of design, art, and entertainment. With a Rastafarian motif, with the lion at heart, Hyshence© Prodcutions have been, and always will be, producing more and more of a natural mystic to our young generations, so the world can still have its conservatives, despite the many materialists. The RastafarI Community has been great sponsors, and shall forever keep up their good work. Based on simply righteousness, and mystical productions, Hyshence© Prod....Incoorperated with DondadaJP Inc., Kali Culture International, and Sever Entertainment Sound System (all founded by Omar Boothman, and his fellow brethrens from his native island, Trinidad), will be performing and entertaining an audience in the near future. Though, nascent with their publicity, Hyshence© was, is, and will be, the most innovative cultural productions in our 21st Century...to our supporters, we give enough thanks and praises, everydays...yes!!! Blessed Love!



Blessed Love, always...and forever more. Give thanks and praise to the Most High....for He is the Cure...



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